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our Coaches
Nat & Bon are coaches in every sense of the word. They consider the athlete as a whole and are interested in what is happening in their world first and foremost.
With this knowledge they then apply the appropriate training load as required to help our athlete reach their goals
head coach Nat
Having been involved in sports for most of my life, coaching was a natural progression.
The last 6 years have been dedicated to coaching team sports, CrossFit and Olympic weightlifting.
I’ve also received a degree in exercise and sport science as well as ASCA level 1 and Club Weightlifting/Sports Power Coach level 1.
I have a strong passion for coaching others, showing them how capable they really are and helping them reach their goals!

Coach Bon
Coach Bon, has been working in the fitness industry close to 20 years. Bon has always done some type of strength work, four years ago Weightlifting came across her path. Bon found a Coach in Melbourne and started traveling down, to learn more and develop her skills.
Falling in love with the sport, she then decided it was time to compete. In the last three years, Bon has represented Victoria and Australia at Local, National and International competitions, bring home medals at each one.
Bon believes, that knowledge is best shared, even though she also believes that you are always learning in the sport of Weightlifting, it is time to pass the knowledge on.
Bon is a qualified and registered Level 1 Weightlifting Coach, along with many other qualifications.
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